Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015

Hearty Braised Kale, Roasted Tomato and Egg Breakfast Sandwich

Braised kale, roasted tomato & egg sandwich by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2015

Here's what we have -- a thick slice of toasted peasant bread topped by a schmear of creamy mascarpone, a layer of herb and garlic-spiked roasted tomatoes, a heaping of garlicky kale and a rich, perfectly soft-boiled egg topped with a sprinkle of sea salt. It's hearty and savory and addictive.

The inspiration for this delicious sandwich comes from a similar one that I tried a few months ago at Oriole 9, one of our family's favorite restaurants here in Woodstock. It was so good that I decided to recreate at home. Their version was topped with a poached egg but I don't have a great way to poach eggs at the moment so I went with a soft boiled egg, instead with delightful results.

Slow roasted heirloom tomatoes with garlic and herbs by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2014

Roasting is my favorite way to deal with the rag-tag assortment of tomatoes we're still harvesting from our garden as the season winds down. Simply cut them in half, toss with some minced garlic, some basil, oregano, thyme or rosemary, olive oil, salt and pepper and then place them, cut-side-down on a baking sheet and cook at low heat until they reach the desired consistency. I usually do this for a few hours to give them time to fall apart and for the sugars and flavors to get nice and concentrated. Like liquid gold! Then you can either store in an airtight container in the fridge or freeze for later use.

The oven roasted tomatoes with garlic and herbs for the braised kale, roasted tomato, mascarpone and egg sandwich by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2015

The kale is similarly simple - just separate the leaves from the ribs and wash to remove any sand, dirt or straw. Then cut or tear the greens into strips. Sautee a couple cloves of minced or pressed garlic in oil and then add the greens along with a cup of water or broth. I often add a little vegetable or chicken stock in place of water to give it extra flavor. Cover and simmer on low until the kale is tender.

Cooking the kale with garlic and broth for the braised kale, roasted tomato, mascarpone and egg sandwich by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2015

Mascarpone is an extra creamy Italian-style cream cheese. It makes a nice base layer of rich schmear for all your toppings. Just use regular creamcheese if you can't get your hands on any mascarpone.

Mascarpone for the braised kale, roasted tomato, mascarpone and egg sandwich by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2015

Then add a layer of roasted tomatoes, followed by a layer of kale. Don't skimp, this stuff not only tastes good, it's also good for you.

Adding the garlicky kale to the braised kale, roasted tomato, mascarpone and egg sandwich by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2015

Then add the coup de grace, the eggy, as my little boys call them. This is your sandwich so make the egg as soft or hard as you like.

Braised kale, roasted tomato & egg sandwich by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2015

If you don't feel well and truly fed by this sandwich, I will eat my words.

Eating my delicious braised kale, roasted tomato, mascarpone and egg sandwich by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2015

-- print recipe --Hearty Braised Kale, Roasted Tomato & Egg Sandwich
Serves 1


* 1 egg, soft boiled or poached (choose pasture-raised if you can)
* 1 slice peasant or farm bread, toasted
* Garlicky braised kale - follow this recipe, omitting the soy sauce and the tomatoes - you'll find plenty of ways to enjoy the leftovers
* Roasted tomatoes - follow this recipe, making as many as you can get your hands on - they're delicious!
* Mascarpone cheese (substitute cream cheese if you can't get mascarpone)
* Sea salt to taste
* Freshly ground black pepper to taste


1. I recommend that you make the kale and the tomatoes ahead of time - both store well and can be used in many other tasty ways. Once you have both those ingredients ready, cook the egg - either soft boiling it or poaching it, to your desired degree of doneness.

2. While the egg is cooking, toast your bread then spread it with a layer of mascarpone. Top with a layer of roasted tomatoes, a heaping of braised kale and then lay the egg on top. Sprinkle with sea salt and a couple grinds of pepper and tuck in.

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