Selasa, 19 April 2016

What's Happening Around Here Lately

First asparagus by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016

Today is my birthday. Our older son had been home sick with a bad flu for almost a week but was finally well enough to go to school this morning. So I've been soaking up the quiet and enjoying the flood of sweet b-day wishes via email, Facebook and phone. My favorite one so far is from my friend, Syed who posted, "Look at you, older and ornerier" on my Facebook page :)

I've been sick since last week, too, and when I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror in between nose blows and coughs this morning, I thought, "So this is 39 - it's not pretty..." But, as they say, "It's all good," since I have, thankfully, not built my life around being young or beautiful. I find that I also like both myself and my life more and more as I get older. I wouldn't trade 39 for 19 or 29 or any other age.

And I'm not the only one greeting a brand new year. A whole lot of other living things are getting in the spirit around here. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are a few to show you some of the lovely things popping up at our house this Spring.

Also, I'm probably jinxing it by writing this but I have not seen a rat since I wrote that last post. It probably won't last but it sure is nice while it does.

Assorted seedlings by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016
Beets, squash, onion and more seedlings getting some real sun today.

Robins' nest by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016
A pair of robins built this beautiful nest from mud, straw and twigs, then abandoned it for some reason.

Lettuce start by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016
So looking forward to some fresh greens...

Daffodils by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016
I moved these daffodils from a strange spot in a deep bed of gravel last year and now they're up!

Onion seedlings by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016
Onion seedlings taking a break from the fluorescent lights to get some real sunshine.

Grape hyacinth by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016
Delicate, little grape hyacinths have a lovely smell of early Spring.

Garlic is up by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016

First tulips by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016
I planted these tulips in the fall and, like magic, they've arisen.

First asparagus by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016
Last year's asparagus crowns are just getting going. Rahm is practically beside himself with excitement!

Periwinkle flowers by Eve Fox, the Garden of Eating, copyright 2016
Periwinkle waking up and putting out a riot of new leaves and flowers.

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